Job Description

We are looking for a dedicated Golang developer to join our company. You will collaborate with other designers and developers to build a mobile application


Use Docker for smaller applications that require simpler deployments

Use Linux Terminal command structures to allow easy back-end operations for less experienced technical staff

Build our UI using React and ensure access to the REST API is available

Collaborate with other technical staff to ensure a consistent and smooth DevOps workflow

Choose and implement libraries that improve performance without sacrificing security and core functionality

Manage multiple projects within reasonable design specifications

Design quality assurance for errors

Make notes and changes whenever possible

Create visualizations that convey accurate project messages.

Job qualifications and skill sets

Many Golang developers have at least a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field, such as programming. Other important skills for successful Golang developers include:

Proven proficiency in Go programming

Excellent written and verbal communication skills

At least two years of experience working in the field of programming or information technology

Pay attention to the details

Knowledge in Java or Python recommended

A portfolio of work with examples that showcase technical skill

Strong analytical skills

Time management and organizational skills

Knowledge of Go templates, common frameworks, and tools

Experience working with a team

Experience using various technologies such as APIs and microservices,

Kubernetes, SQL, gRPC, MessagePack, Streaming,

Multithreading, mutexes, semaphores with TDD (test driven development)

Knowledge of CI/CD such as Jenkins, Bamboo, CircleCI, etcTools: GIt, Jira ,Slack

Job Overview
Job Posted:
1 week ago
Job Expire In:
6d 21h
Job Type
Full Time
Job Role
Bachelor Degree
3+ Years