Illuminations is a platform that offers a wide range of services that inspire people to overcome their limitations & discover their true potential!

All of our services be it meditation, classes & healing therapies, empower you with powerful tools & techniques to help you create the life you want!

Whether you are stressed, unhappy or simply wish to make a fresh start, we invite you on a journey of physical, mental & emotional transformation!

With the many challenges we face in life Illuminations is designed to give you the space and opportunity to reconnect with your inner self and discover what truly makes you happy!

When dealing with the stress that comes from the demands of living in a modern fast-paced world, or struggling with the challenges that life throws our way, all we need is the space & opportunities to positively deal with these issues in order to get back on track in this journey of life!
Keeping the importance of our well-being in mind, Illuminations was designed to encourage people to take charge of their life, through reconnecting with their inner self to discover what truly makes them happy!