Pool Academy Aquatics is an international aquatics club based in South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, India and the United Kingdom. We are currently the largest Swimming/ Aquatics company in the world!
Our brand Pool Academy began in October 2011, in a town called Durban, South Africa. It then evolved into Pool Academy Swim School, which concentrated on providing swimming lessons and coaching to the community in South Africa.
In 2017, we changed our entire operation to a club setting in South Africa and we called ourselves Pool Academy Aquatics.
Pool Academy Aquatics UAE was born in January 2019. This new birth gave rise to the collaboration of two national swimming curricula (England and South Africa).
Global Chief Executive of Pool Academy Aquatics - Wasim Tifflin, arrived in Dubai with a vision of creating an International Aquatics Club - the very first Aquatics Club to be in three continents, anywhere in the world!
Charlotte Jackson - Global Chief of Operations at Pool Academy Aquatics, arrived in Dubai with a vision of merging the British Swimming Curriculum with another.
Wasim and Charlotte met in Dubai, where they realised that they both shared the same vision and goals. With Wasim's established brand in South Africa and Charlotte's exemplary English experience, Pool Academy Aquatics is set to be the most successful Aquatics Club in the world!
As of 2022, Pool Academy set its sights on another country - this country being India. We are extremely proud to establish our brand in a country that has so much to offer. With the exact same model used in other parts of the world, we have taken on the market by storm!
2023 brought on more successes and with it we launched Pool Academy Aquatics in the United Kingdom. In starting this, we have cemented our brand as being the best in the world!
At Pool Academy Aquatics, our ultimate goal is to provide a quality service at an affordable price. In the United Arab Emirates, we have begun providing our Swimming Program and Water Polo Program to the community and will then move onto providing our Synchronised Swimming Program.
In India, Pool Academy Aquatics is affiliated to the Swimming Federation of India.
In the United Kingdom, Pool Academy Aquatics is accredited to the national governing body - Swimming Teachers Association.
In South Africa, Pool Academy Aquatics is accredited to the national federation - Swimming South Africa.
In the United Arab Emirates, Pool Academy Aquatics is affiliated to the UAE Swimming Federation.
All of these federations in India, the United Kingdom, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates are affiliated to World Aquatics (The International governing body for all Aquatic Disciplines).