Job Description


  • Negotiating prices with suppliers to ensure that the store makes a profit on each item while still offering competitive prices to customers
  • Monitoring inventory levels of each item and reordering items when they are running low
  • Analyzing sales data to determine which items are selling well and which items aren’t selling at all, then adjusting inventory accordingly
  • Coordinating with suppliers regarding delivery schedules and methods, including ordering new products from suppliers if needed
  • Reviewing advertisements for competitors’ products to identify ways to improve the store’s own offerings
  • Coordinating with marketing staff to develop a marketing plan for each new product or line extension to ensure that it has the greatest chance of success
  • Conducting market research to identify new food trends and consumer preferences
  • Evaluating pricing policies for each department and making any adjustments that are needed to maximize sales
  • Participating in meetings with other store departments to discuss upcoming events or promotions
Job Overview
Job Posted:
1 week ago
Job Expire In:
2w 3d
Job Type
Full Time
Job Role
Bachelor Degree
5+ Years